Wednesday 15 February 2017

Twitter Application-Only Authentication in Python

Twitter provides a number of REST API endpoints. All endpoints require requests to be authenticated. Authentication can be done with any of the two:

Application-only authentication is useful in cases where the user context is not available or is simply not required. Not all endpoints support it, since many of them would need user grant before a request is made on a user's behalf. Such endpoints could be for creating tweets for a user, deleting them, et cetera. A small subset of endpoints does not require user context. Search Tweets is one such endpoint. In the rest of the post I'll create a client that implements application-only authentication flow in Python.

You're going to need the Requests package. You must also register a Twitter app at to obtain Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for the application.

Encoding Consumer Key and Secret

Twitter requires the consumer key and secret to be encoded before requesting the Bearer token. Bearer token credentials can be obtained easily:

  • URL encode both Consumer Key and Secret
  • Concatenate them with a semicolon in between
  • Encode the result in Base64

from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from base64 import b64encode

def get_bearer_credentials(consumer_key, consumer_secret):
    encoded_ck = quote_plus(consumer_key)
    encoded_cs = quote_plus(consumer_secret)

    credentials = '{}:{}'.format(encoded_ck, encoded_cs)

    b64credentials = b64encode(credentials.encode('ascii'))
    return b64credentials.decode('ascii')

Requesting the Bearer token

Bearer token can be obtained by making a POST request to with the Authorization header containing the Bearer credentials. Twitter implements Client Credentials Grant of OAuth2 as defined in RFC-6749. As per the RFC, the server must respond with an Access token for a valid client request (having valid credentials). The Access token can be of certain types, Bearer is one of them and is what Twitter uses. A valid request for Bearer token must have:

  • Authorization header set to Basic {{ credentials }}
  • Content-Type header set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
  • grant_type=client_credentials as request body

import requests


def get_access_token(bearer_credentials):
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(bearer_credentials),
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'
    data = 'grant_type=client_credentials'

    response =, data=data, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code !=
        raise Exception('Invalid request or invalid credentials')

    response_body = response.json()
    if response_body.get('token_type', '') == 'bearer':
        access_token = response_body.get('access_token')
        return access_token
        raise Exception(('Invalid token type of returned access token. Token type')
                       ('is not bearer.'))

Making an authenticated request

An authenticated request can be constructed by setting the Authorization header to Bearer {{ access_token }}. The following is an example request to fetch popular tweets containing the hashtag twitter:

import requests


# `access_token` obtained in the above step
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
payload = {'q': '#twitter', 'count': 10, 'result_type': 'popular'}

response = requests.get(SEARCH_TWEETS_URL, params=payload, headers=headers)

if response.status_code !=
    raise Exception('Invalid request')

# Twitter Statuses (tweets)
status_list = response.json().get('statuses', [])

Invalidating Bearer token

A Bearer token can be invalidated by making a POST request to with the Authorization header and body correctly set.

import requests


def invalidate_token(bearer_credentials, access_token):
    headers = {
        'Authorization': 'Basic {}'.format(bearer_credentials)}
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
    data = 'access_token={}'.format(access_token)

    response =, data=data, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code !=
        raise Exception('An error occurred. Access token was not invalidated.')

    print('Access token was invalidated.')

Handling common errors

Twitter's documentation describes some common errors that might occur while getting or invalidating a Bearer token, or while performing some action through an authenticated request. The code below is a simple check for these errors:

# a `response` after a request
if response.status_code !=
    errors = response.json()
    for error in errors:
        print('Code: {}, Message: {}'.format(error.code, error.message))


I've created a simple application using the above APIs: shivamMg/kayak

Sunday 29 January 2017

SBI Global International "Visa" Debit Cards now work with PayPal

TL;DR SBI Global International Visa (Not MasterCard) Debit Cards now work with PayPal.

Sun must have risen in the west or something, SBI Global Visa debit cards can now be linked to your PayPal account. There doesn't seem to be any official announcement yet, but I tried making a payment through PayPal today and it worked (your bhai finally bought domain). You can apply for the card at any SBI branches (or use your Online SBI account if you have one). Make sure you ask for a Global International "Visa" debit card. MasterCard still doesn't work. I tried both.

The Bank will ask you to fill in an application for the card. Also if you don't have an Online SBI account, do yourself a favor and apply for that too. It'll make the entire process less PITA. After you receive the card, you'll need to switch on some services for the card: ATM/POS/E-Commerce channels (ATM/POS/ECOM) and Domestic/International Usage (DOM/INTL). Details on how to do it will be on a pamphlet in the same mail. POS, ECOM and INTL seem to be the only ones needed for use in International payments (I applied for all by the way).

When I tried linking the MasterCard at PayPal, PayPal would debit my account for some amount (to confirm the card). But then the amount would be credited back and PayPal wouldn't confirm it. With Visa, the amount will be debited and PayPal will ask for a 4 digit code that you can get from the transaction details. Again, Online SBI account will be much helpful. It displays the last ten transactions for your account. You can get the 4 digit code from there.

I've got four SBI debit cards now. Classic (the one I already had), Classic (there must've been some mistake when I ordered a MasterCard for the first time, I received this instead), MasterCard (now useless since it doesn't work), Visa (finally).